The Owner Of My Heart

.aku cuba mencintaiMU Tuhan..

aku cuba mencintaiMU Tuhan
tapi tidak juga terasa
aku cuba berkali-kali pun
namun aku belum juga jatuh hati denganMU
aku susah hati aku sedih selalu
mengapa terjadi begini
mengapa cintaku padaMU
belum berbunga lagi
sedangkan aku tahu aku akui
nikmatMU terlalu banyak padaku
kalau hendak dihitung
tidak mungkin dihitung..

aku iri hati selalu
cerita dan berita
orang soleh zaman dahulu
hebatnya cinta mereka padaMU
hilang selera makan keranaMU
asyik memuja dan memujiMU
mensucikan dan membesarkan MU
terutama diwaktu malam yang sepi diwaktu orang mimpi mereka memujaMU..merintih padaMU
mengharapkan kasih sayang padaMU
air mata mereka membasahi pipi
adakalanya menitis kebumi
mereka merasa Engkau adalah segala-galanya

Engkau adalah hidup mati mereka
Engkau adalah dibibir mereka
Engkau adalah hati jantung mereka
tapi aku tidak begitu
hingga kini aku belum mencintai kekasih agungmu
baru aku sedar..
cinta padaMU adalah anugerah
dan hidayahMU
bertuahlah dan berbahagialah
orang yang Engkau anugerahkan kecintaan padaMU
aku bilakah lagi Tuhan....
dapat sedikit pun jadilah...
wahai TUHAN al-Hannan wal Mannan...

Why is it hard to give you heart entirely to Allah? Or in a simple word, why is it hard to fall in love with your God? Truly, the love of Allah is need of time. Let us reflect ourselves, shall we? First, we are unaware of our God and ignorant of the close relationship. Second, we are lack of desire to be close to our Creator.

Today, people are arrested by the love of 'dunya'. I do not deny that I am one of them. If I were to say to my friend, my love to you is because of Allah, did I really meant my love is only for Allah? He is only the one to be loved, to be remembered, to be admired, to be worshipped... Did all my actions express that?

When I am in the middle of study, and when the call of the prayer comes, did I immediately leave my study? No. So, do my heart belongs to Allah better than anything?

When I am in the middle of my beauty sleep, and suddenly I wake up.. I decided to continue to be in my dreamland rather than doing the Qiamullail. So, do my heart belongs to Allah better than anything?

When I struggling hard in my study, my worries are "What will people say if I get a low g.p.a"? "I must show that I'm very capable in my studies besides all the da'wah works I did" "I am aiming for the first class during my graduation." " What if I didnt get any promotion after I graduated if my result is too poor?". But the thoughts and feeling that do not haunt me is "I study hard only and only to get the blessing of Allah" "because Allah commands me to study" Putting aside the thought of impressing people.
So, do my heart belongs to Allah better than anything?

Let us do self reflection.. Compare the love we give to human? Are we being bias with our own God?


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